A Word from the Author
The new millennium dawned on a world shaken by the emergence of two
violent terror organizations: the Tamil Tigers and Al-Qaida. Al-Qaida is a
byproduct of the Tamil Tigers. The Srilankan forces
ruthlessly defeated the seemingly invincible Tamil Tigers at the Battle of
Mullivaikkal in 2009. A fact that came to light was that Sri Lanka
government received military aid from more than twenty-five countries in order
to finally crush the Tamil Tigers, the world’s deadliest terrorists.
novel, ‘His Royal Highness the Tamil Tiger’, explores
only a minute portion of the Tamil Tigers’ atrocities and carnage they
inflicted on the Tamil community—their own brothers
and sisters—in Jaffna
from 1972 to 2009. Jaffna
rests in the northern part of the pearl shaped island of Sri Lanka .
The island, sitting somewhat snug to the southern tip of India and
within the Indian Ocean , suffered terribly at
the hands of the Tamil Tigers.
This historical novel is about a ruthless
dictator, His Royal Highness the Tamil Tiger, who as an eighteen year old boy
was known only for his proficiency in killing scampering squirrels with a
slingshot. Like many dictators, his rise to power began innocently enough. As a
school dropout, he began a military resistance group in 1976 to fight for the
freedom of the minority ethnic Tamil community suffering heavily under the
genocidal Sri Lanka
government since it gained its independence from the British in 1948. Thus,
with the blessing and support of his Tamil people, the
future Royal Highness established a power base in the Vanni region under the
noble guise of seeking justice and autonomy. Once in power, however, he assumed
the title of ‘His Royal Highness the Tamil Tiger.’
His Royal Highness had a dream of creating a Tamil Kingdom
in the Northeastern part of the Sri
Lanka island where he could rule without
being challenged by the Sri Lankan government and its forces. But it doesn’t
take long for this egocentric ruler of Vanni to turn against his own people,
subjecting the law abiding Tamil nation to untold hardships. Many of his soldiers
and high ranks were little better than he—poor dropouts and duds for the most
part who revelled in their sudden position of power over their fellow man. The
wealthy and academia of the region whom these poor boys with guns hated
vehemently suffered mightily at their hands. Also, His Royal Highness,
completely and mercilessly wiped out those who possessed divergent political
As a result, Jaffna
folk began fleeing abroad to escape from the atrocities of both the Tamil
Tigers and the Sri Lankan forces. Consequently, the population of Jaffna dwindled from
835,000 to 500,000 including the newborns within the span of two decades.
Despite the stalwart support by the Tamil Diaspora, the blatant
murders and killings became a general occurrence, and it didn’t take long for
the Tamil community to hate and detest the upstart Vanni ruler. Powerful
countries such as the USA ,
the UK ,
Canada ,
and even India
quickly branded His Royal Highness as the most vicious and daring terrorist on
the planet.
The Cease Fire Agreement
This story takes place during the Cease Fire Agreement facilitated
between the government of Sri
Lanka and His Royal Highness the Tamil Tiger
of Vanni on February 22nd,
2002 . During this period, the Vanni ruler imposed a heinous tax
system in Jaffna
between 2002 and 2006. The oppression reached new heights as he threw into
prison anyone who protested or failed to pay the taxes. His Royal Highness’
brutality and murderous inclinations crop up from time to time in this story to
expose the atrocities and carnage he inflicted upon his own people—people he
once proclaimed his brothers and sisters.
To understand the story more fully, key parts of the Cease Fire
Agreement are given here:
1.7 – “The Parties of this agreement shall not move munitions, explosives or
military hardware into the area controlled by the other Party.”
1.11 – “Individual combatants shall be permitted to cross the border to visit
family and friends in areas controlled by the other Party provided they are
unarmed and wearing civilian clothing.”
1.13 – “Fifty unarmed Tigers carrying the proper identification papers, for the
purpose of political work, may be permitted freedom of movement in areas of the
North and East areas controlled by the Sinhala Hegemony. The right of the
Sinhala forces to deny access to military installations and areas will remain
in effect.”
When the Cease Fire Agreement came into force, Jaffna was under control of the Sri Lankan
armed forces. Jaffna ,
with its many schools, colleges and a university, is considered to be the
citadel of Tamil culture, language, traditions, and civilization. The Jaffna peninsula is a
thickly populated region with an abundance of available fresh water, limestone
outcrops, red soil, rust colored alkaline soil, ample agricultural lands, and
large palmyra groves.
Vanni is situated to the south of Jaffna and remained under control of the
Tamil Tigers. Amid the jungles and forests of the region, the sparse population
is scattered through hundreds of agricultural settlements. The Tamil Tigers
controlled roughly 15,000 square kilometers of the region including the well
known A9 highway that ran through Kilinochchi where the Tamil Tiger’s had their
headquarters. From this city, His Royal Highness ruled. Among the media and his
supporters, he is always referred to by his title, ‘His Royal Highness the
Tamil Tiger.’
On a Personal Note
I carry, even now at the age of eighty-three, immense pain from the
suffering inflicted on me, my family, my friends, and on my political allies by
the cruel reign of the Tamil Tigers who fought against the Sri Lankan forces in their quest to
establish a Tamil Homeland. Thousands upon
thousands of Tamil souls will carry this endless pain—some more, some less, but
carry it we do, nonetheless.
This fiction will ever be a warning to future Tamil generations—as
well as to the world—not to ever again be caught up in the deceptive promises
of angry young men who drop out of school to take up a cause at the point of a
gun. There is a Tamil proverb that states, “Grains cultivated by children never
reach home.” It is a wonder that the Jaffna
region, admired as a highly educated society, chose to ignore their own wisdom
and turned to a blood thirsty, gun-toting boy to
rid themselves of the oppressive Sri Lanka government. After his
celebrated death at the Battle of Mullivaikal in 2009, the Jaffna and Vanni regions now suffer more
heartrending hardships and bloodshed under the genocidal rule of the Sri Lanka
government. To whom will Jaffna
now turn to rid itself of this new regime of terror?
Since this novel is
intended for international audience there is a glossary--in the appendix-- to
enable the reader to understand unfamiliar words or acronyms or phrases.
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